Wednesday, December 01, 2010


Well readers, as most of you know, I'm currently recuperating from wisdom teeth extraction surgery.  All four in one fell swoop, because I'm hardcore like that.  According to my mother, I was in surgery for a whole 15 minutes.  Not too shabby.  All I remember is feeling tired, and next thing I know I hear voices from a million miles away telling me to take deep breaths and walk with my eyes closed.

When I woke up, I was completely numb from my eyebrows to my tonsils.  Everything was foggy and strange, and then suddenly I was very alert, and I tried to get up.  I made it all the way to the car with minimal problems, then I slept all the way to Wal-Mart, where I insisted I wanted to go in and shop.  I lasted about 15 minutes, and I felt my knees get weaker and weaker until I had to go back to the car.

I slept the rest of the day on my bed, fully clothed, only being woken up every few hours by my mother so that I would eat or take more meds.  I finally had some lucidity where I pounded some refried beans, which tasted amazing, then I was back to sleep for the night.

The next morning I was awoken by my severe mouth pain.  I stumbled into the kitchen to take my Lodine to take the edge off, and a few hours later I got a perc from my mom.  Rich finally went to fill my Lortab prescription, and after I took one of those, I checked out for about four hours only to wake up to answer the occasional text message.  Finally, I'd wake up, eat, take more Lortab, and I'd be out all over again.  It was pretty amazing.

I finally achieved my evening lucidity and decided to take a walk to get some fresh air, which was a poor decision because my teeth started chattering, and that hurt like hell, so I ran back to my house to warm up.  Just as I was about to give up altogether on trying to do anything and pull on my pajamas, there was a knock at the door.

It was Sky.  I don't remember the last time I felt so relieved to see someone in my life.  I noticed his hair was starting to get a little long and began to curl on the ends, which I find so amazingly cute if I wasn't in a medicine haze I would have been all over him.  He brought me my favorite flavor of candy cane, which is really hard to consume when you're not allowed to suck on anything, so I enjoyed licking it.  I ate about a third of it and left the rest of it on the counter to try again with later.

We talked for a while, but he had to go home and go to bed.  He gave me a sweet little peck before leaving, and finally, all was right with the world.

I'm totally falling asleep as I'm typing right now.  I'm on a lot of drugs.

Keep it real readers.

1 comment:

lizstephens04 said...

Oh man! I hope you get feeling better soon!

I had two root canals a few weeks ago and that was icky. I was in a lot of pain during the procedure, and they had to keep giving me Novocaine. I wish I had been asleep! :P Then, I slept all day that day, (after going to Wal-Mart as well to get my prescriptions and some soup) which was actually really nice. Then I called in work to stay home the next day, and slept all day that day. Now that I'm healed, I get to do it again. Yay for bad teeth :(.

I wish I had a boyfriend during that, but I'm glad you do! :) It makes everything better when you have someone who cares, though, and my landlords/roommates/whatever you call 'em took very good care of them. They are my adopted grandparents :)

Feel better soon!