Thursday, November 25, 2010

Pomegranate Dixie Salad

Pomegranate Dixie Salad is a Thanksgiving staple in the Gubler family.

It's not terribly tasty to me though.

Today was a great day.  I woke up in a great mood, greeted by my mother, who my dad sprung from the hospital this morning.  She wreaked of hospital, looked tired, and she was moving pretty slow thanks to recovering from surgery.

Not long after that my dad announced the our pre-Thanksgiving tradition was underway.  We began chowing down on delicious snack foods, but I had to stop myself so I could start getting pretty for dinner at Sky's grandma's house.  I pulled on my new blouse I bought for the occasion, curled my hair, slapped on my makeup, and pulled out my adorable new purple shoes.

He showed up looking handsome as ever, and smelling amazing.  Any and all nervousness I had after arriving at Grandma's quickly melted away when I squeezed his hand and felt him standing next to me.  All in all I had a great time.  I hadn't been to a big family Thanksgiving dinner since I was a little girl, so it was all very exciting for me.

We eventually left to finish some Christmas lights on his house, and perused the Black Friday ads.

When it came time to say goodnight, we drove around a little, talked, laughed, and when we stopped at my house he walked me to my door, and gave me quite possibly the greatest kiss of my adult life.  I felt it all the way down to my toes, and I stumbled into my house.

Great day.  I'm so crazy about that redhead kid.

Keep it real readers.

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