Saturday, November 06, 2010

Crazy November

The end is near, dear readers.  The end of 2010, that is.

Well, Halloween was last weekend, which involved a pretty awesome trip to Frightmares with some friends and Sky, and now November is in full swing.

Last Thursday was my possible future niece MaKinli's first birthday, which turned out to be super fun.  I was really nervous at first, but after a few minutes of acclimating, and internally blushing from my ears to my toes when he mentioned her gift from "the both of us," I started to feel much better.  I took the opportunity to fall into the background a little bit and watch Sky's family interact with one another, which I love doing, and it helped me gain a little perspective, as well as take mental notes for future reference on particular family members. (for gift ideas mostly)  Plus they had Rainbow Chip AND German Chocolate Cake, which I washed down with a delicious glass of Apple Juice and some Cookies & Cream ice cream.  Awesome.

Sunday we "Fall Back," so don't forget.  Extra hour of sleep!

This coming Thursday is my mother's birthday.  I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to say how old she is, but let's just say if I told you, you likely wouldn't believe me.  She looks terrific.  I picked out her gift at work today, and I'm pretty sure she's going to like it.  I didn't go Christmas thoughtful on it, but I'm still pretty proud of it.

The following Thursday is Sky's brother-in-law's birthday.  I'm not sure what's going on for that, or if I will have anything to do with it, so I'm going to put that thought on one of the back burners for now.

The Wednesday after that my mother is having surgery.  I'm not sure if I'm at liberty to discuss it, so I'm just going to tell all of you, my dear readers anyway.  She's having a hysterectomy.  I've never seen my mother so excited to have any sort of procedure/surgery/doctor visit in my life.  It's funny to see her so giddy.

Bear in mind, that's the DAY before Thanksgiving, which I will be spending with Sky's family.  His whole family.  Including Grandma Gube.  Nothing to be concerned about, right?  Well, I'm nervous nonetheless.

The following Monday I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed.  It's about time.  They've been throbbing for ages, and I'm pretty sure I'll go into liver failure from all of the pain meds I've been taking if I don't get them out soon.  I'm pretty sure I'm least I hope I am.

Two days of narcotic-induced fuzz later, and we're looking at December, and I have a feeling things are going to get interesting.

So I'm gift planning now.  I'm thinking of picking up some canvases and making some art pieces for a few people, including part of a three-piece project I've begun the early stages of development on and have really high hopes for that I will likely be giving to Sky.  I'd love to disclose the title, but it would totally give it away, and I don't want to jinx it.  All I can say is that I'm super excited about it.  I'm thinking I'll make another one for my parents, but I'm pretty much blank there right now.  I'm sure I'll come up with something.

I'm just getting really suddenly inspired to create.  I haven't felt this way about my art in a long time, and I'm really anxious to get started.

Anyway, this has turned out to be quite a novella.

Keep it real readers.

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