Monday, October 25, 2010

Am I Enough?

I woke up on the insecure side of life today.  The ugly, annoying, ridiculous side of life, meaning I'm feeling ugly, annoying, and ridiculous.

I hate the Ungame.  Not for what is said during it, but for what isn't said.  It's the knowing what the other person wants to say, but they don't want to hurt your feelings so they make up some other answer that is considerably less hurtful, but you saw in their face what they really wanted to say while they hesitated, and just seeing that thought cross their mind stung.  It hurt so much you don't even want to admit to yourself that you even saw that thought cross their mind.  But you did.  And it's killing you to know they feel that way.

He could do better than me.  Someone funner, smarter, more confident, thinner, prettier, stronger, more athletic, less annoying, more graceful, less talkative, someone who is a better listener, even a better person than me.

I just wonder if I'll be enough, or if he'll leave as soon as someone better comes along that shows an interest in him.

Just a thought on a day like this.

Keep it real readers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no he can't!! don't tell yourself he can, there is no way he can do better!! you are the best they come!