Saturday, April 24, 2010

High Ups and Low Downs

This past week has been nothing short of a roller coaster. To start things off, I have been so stressed out all of my old injuries that occasionally flare up are all flaring up at the the same time, which isn't making me feel better about my hair falling out and my stutter being worse than it's ever been.

Monday was as cumbersome as usual, and Tuesday seemed to last forever, but things didn't get interesting until Wednesday.

Wednesday I took my final test in Music of the World, which I probably scored a low C grade on, followed by a miracle in the form of finishing my ePortfolio in a lot less time than I expected. I was so ecstatic I actually hugged the person sitting next to me. Math was as foreign as ever.

I was feeling pretty good until later that night when one of my roommates hurt my feelings really bad. That stung.

Thursday was slamming. I got a pretty decent score on a test, and I was set up on a blind date that turned out to be freakin' amazing. Then while talking to Heather after I divulged a little more than I wanted to about my past, which spilled over to feeling awkward on Friday, which was filled with free money and free food. The institute dance was amazing, filled with dancing and sweating and men and friends and laughing, which carried over to some rad hanging out at Denny's with Jana and Aubrey.

Today, however, has been less than stellar. I woke up aching all over, including a stomach ache, and half-heartedly got ready for work, which lasted far too long. I dragged my broken, achy excuse of a corpse back to my apartment, where I ordered a pizza because I was hungry and too tired to cook and watched "You've Got Mail" for probably the 15th time. After watching half of a Wallace & Gromit movie, I slept for about an hour and half before resuming it.

To add a shitty cherry on the worst cake ever made, I got in a fight with my best friend because I've been stressed out of my mind and it's making me act weird, and a guy I went out with last week who creeped me out basically harassed me over text for a half hour before bidding me adieu forever. Let's hope he means it.

I still feel like hell, and I'm hoping tomorrow will be better.

I can't wait to go home.

Keep it real readers.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wrapping Up The Semester

Well, Hell Week is upon us. You know what that means.

The library is chock full of frantic students finishing final projects and cramming for finals. There is a great deal of stress eating going on, resulting in an excess consumption of TUMS.

What is keeping us going? One beautiful word: SUMMER. Summer begins as soon as all of this is is over. Three glorious months of fun, sun, impromptu vacations, staying out all night because I can, and of course the summer job.

I can't wait.

Keep it real readers.

Monday, April 12, 2010

What A Crappy Monday

I woke up on the wrong side of life today. The WRONG side. I kept falling asleep after I woke up over and over again, and when it came time to take a shower everyone else I lived with were also needing to take a shower.

My desire to actually attend class today was too great to wait, so I whipped my hair up into a half-assed version of an up-do and jeans that don't quite fit right so that I could make it to my first class without being too late.

I showed up 15 minutes late and listened to a lecture about Japanese festival music and puppet theater. Rivetting I assure you.

I forgot to sign the roll, so I have to e-mail that professor to tell her I was in fact there today.

My second class was fairly lame, but I got some work done, so that was a good thing.

I left class to embark on a break and a few bites of lunch, only to be bombarded with a wet, awful, aggravating snowstorm. It's APRIL!

I went home, screamed, swore, and spit, took off my pants, and took a nap for a half hour.

Then I had to go to work.

All of this happened during an already foul mood.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Keep it real readers.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Oh So Fraught

My life is fraught with goodness. First of all, I'm home for the Easter holiday, which as usual is amazing. My loud Italian family never ceases to amuse me. When I arrived home I was vastly over packed in an effort to make move-out day that much easier. I get a nice rush of accomplishment when I look at my huge suitcase and know that it is filled with winter clothing.

In other news, I talked to my old boss and was pleased to find out that I will be put on the schedule the Monday after I return to my parents' house for the summer. Hurrah for summer jobs!

I recently watched a movie that was about the romance between Fanny Brawne and John Keats (the famous poet). It was a deeply sad movie, as their love for one another was never consummated due to the fact that he was penniless and therefore could never marry, however, I discovered how beautiful his poetry was, and furthermore, after research of my own, I found out that their love story was indeed true, which made my heart swell with gladness. I later read that Fanny did eventually move on after Keats' tragic death at the tender age of 25 from Tuberculosis. She married someone else and have many children, but for the rest of her life she wore the ring that Keats gave her.

Pause to wipe away that solitary tear.

Anyway, life is good. I'm finishing out the semester fairly well, I'm embracing my continued delving into my own weirdness to see what I can find, and I'm going back to Art. As far as the dating life goes, not much is going on. However, my eyes are open, and I'm looking for that guy that won't let me get away with anything, who will kiss my eyes, and keep me warm on cold days.

My nights are wasted in sighs...

Keep it real readers.