Sunday, August 21, 2011

Last Day of Summer

Well readers, this is my last day of summer.  Tomorrow I start my sixth year of college.  Yeah.  Sixth year.  It took me a long time to find my major.

I'm a little excited, but a little nervous.

Marriage is still awesome, and Sky continues to show me every day that he is definitely my perfect match.  I love him more now than I did the day we got married.  We just get along better and better every day.

Sky's job at Ashley has been guaranteed full time, and that means next month he'll be earning commission on top of his hourly wage. That means we are looking at being able to afford our own apartment.  (Happy dance)  I can't wait until we have our own space and I get to actually take care of my husband the way I've wanted to all along.  Cook for him, have everything exactly the way I want it, not worry about having to be ninja quiet when "the mood" strikes, etc..

In all, life is pretty good.  I have a lot to look forward to, and I'm a lucky girl.  I have a great husband, and he is my best friend and my partner in crime.

Keep it real readers.