Monday, October 04, 2010

Hearing It Back

Yesterday was amazing.

I went to Sky's karate tournament in Mesquite, where he had volunteered me to sing the National Anthem, and later I helped perform in his Demo team.

Sky's best friend Thomas took Grand Champion, and his girlfriend Sam and I hung out for the better part of the day while our men were competing and judging. After all of my participation was over, Sam and I decided to hit the town and grab a quick bite (which turned out to be a slice of chocolate cake and a strawberry shake) when I ran into Sky in the hall on our way out. He asked me if we were heading out, and I replied that it was only going to be for a little bit. I planted a quick kiss on his lips before muttering "love you" as I turned around to catch up with Sam. What I heard next was something I didn't expect.

"I love you too."

I stopped short and turned around to look at him. "That's right!" he said, "I said it!" and let out a quick laugh before heading back into the gym.

I couldn't stop smiling the rest of the day. I still can't stop smiling.

He loves me.

After the tournament was over, we grabbed Blizzards from DQ, and after revealing that there was a Popeye's Chicken at the edge of town, we made a bee-line to it. As we were chowing down on our delicious spicy chicken, he surprised me with yet another sentence.

"You know what's crazy?"

"What?" I replied.

"Next year at the tournament, you could be competing as Karen Gubler."

I almost swallowed my tongue. I mean, yeah I've thought about marrying him, and to be honest, for the first time I'm actually with someone who I feel like I could not only marry, but be really happy with forever. We've joked about getting married off and on since we got together, but the way he looked at me and the way he said that, I knew.

He's the one. It's not a matter of what if, it's not a "I could compete as Karen Gubler."

I will.


He's going to marry me.

Keep it real readers.

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