Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Engagement: Week 1

Well, after the initial shock wore off from getting engaged, I started to get really excited.  Christmas morning was awesome, we had aebelskivers (ball-shaped pancake type breakfast food from Scandinavia.  Very delicious.) with bacon and sausage for breakfast, followed by opening gifts in an orderly manner as per usual.

Life was good.  I got new pants, a wedding planning workbook, along with some other things I needed.  It was a good Christmas indeed.  Then, after being unable to sleep all night, I crashed on the couch in front of "A Christmas Story," only to be greeted by some really disturbing dreams.  I woke up a few hours later feeling awful.  I was anxious, still incredulous, scared, excited, sad, and self-conscious all at the same time.  I went in my room to lay down, when suddenly all these feelings started to bubble up physically.  I felt incredibly nauseous.  More than I've ever felt in my entire life.  Being a logical thinker, and not wanting to clean up any sort of disgusting mess later, I meandered down the hall into the bathroom and closed the door.  I then quietly sat down on the edge of the bathtub, leaned over the toilet, and threw up for all I was worth.  Then I realized the gravity of what was happening in my life, and how I felt so lost and unprepared, and I proceeded to heave all over again.

After a few more minutes of dry heaving, I finally decided I was done.  I felt relieved.  I was exhausted, and at that point I couldn't think anymore.  I slept through my family's trip to the movies, and after they returned I joined them for a few bites of food before having to change because I was going out with Skyler to show some of his friends I hadn't met yet A) Who I was, and B) The ring.

I'd never done anything like that before.  Throw up like that.  It was weird indeed.

I felt pretty out of it the next morning, but I dragged myself out of bed and into the shower and got to church a few minutes late.  I managed to show off my ring to as many friends as I could before I decided it was time to go home.

Monday was considerably better.  I got to go back to work and show my coworkers and customers my sparkly Christmas gift, which made me feel excited all over again.

I'm still excited.  It's just going to be an interesting next few months.

You know I'll keep you posted.

But in the meantime readers, keep it real.

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