Friday, February 04, 2011

Measurable Progress

Well readers, it's been two weeks since I embarked on Project Ocean Sunrise Neptune, and I have to say, things are looking good.  I've lost 8 pounds so far, and I've lost an inch and a half on all of my circumferencial areas.  (Bust, band, waist, hips)

I have to say, this is pretty exciting readers.  Not much further until my wedding dress will be a perfect fit, and any more than that will cause me to travel to the nearest seamstress to have it taken in.  I have one thing to say to that:


Life is good.  Nay, life is great.  I haven't had measurable progress like this while on a similar project since I was 16, and let's just say my methods were far more self-destructive then.

Still layering up though.  I'm shrinking a lot faster than I thought I would, and hiding it from Skyler is going to prove more difficult the longer I go.  I'm still determined to surprise him however, and wearing clothes that are excellent camouflage along with layering is getting interesting.  I'm not going to buy any new clothes until right before engagement photos are taken (in three weeks) to ensure a perfect fit, since I'm losing weight in buckets.

This little deception of mine is getting so much fun!

Keep it real readers.

1 comment:

Lynae Bae said...

good for you girl! I'm excited for you! But I have to say that you are beautiful no matter what :)