Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Minor Ramblings, Followed By A Total Gush-Fest

Today Skyler and I went to our first Parade of Homes together.  I wasn't sure how he was going to fare with it, but I must say, my favorite part was watching him.  His reactions were quite possibly the cutest thing I've ever seen.  We had a great time together, strolling through houses holding hands, admiring decorations and furniture and fixtures, and making fun of all of the houses with Southwestern themes.  Seriously, that has been done WAY too much.  At any rate, we had a great time together, and we're planning on going again later in the week to get as many houses done as possible.

The wedding is creeping ever closer.  It's only 80 days away.  80 DAYS!  My dress should be here in a few weeks, and it is officially a perfect fit.  It isn't much longer until it will be too big.

The last few days we've been searching for places to live after the wedding, and we actually found something promising.  We're not sure how it's going to go yet, but I'll keep you posted on how things pan out.

My mom got an AMAZING mother of the bride dress, and I'm so excited to see her rocking it on the dance floor.  My dad found the most perfect hot pink dress shirt I've ever seen, and he looks amazing in it.

I tried on a shirt today at Sky's urging that a month ago I wouldn't dream of fitting into.  It fit.  For a second I was elated, then I felt self-conscious, then I came out of the dressing room to show Sky, then, feeling his eyes on me as he told me I looked cute, I felt more self-conscious, then I started to panic a little, so I wrapped my arms around myself and went back in the dressing room and took it off, putting back on my loose-fitting fat clothes.  Imagine how weird I'll feel when he sees me naked?  Eesh.  Scary.

Anyway, other than that, life is good.  Apparently I look great, even though I have a lot more weight to lose, and I have just as much body shame as I ever did.  Skyler loves me more than ever, and my adorable sock monkey that smells like him is proof of that, not to mention the adorable homemade poster he made for me that is covered in things he loves about me.  When I saw it on Valentine's Day, I cried like a little girl.  I have never cried tears of joy quite like that before.

Oh, speaking of Skyler, he went out of town for blackbelt training over the weekend, and the weather was a little scary, so naturally I was worried.  I actually stewed about it for a few days, and had a nightmare that something awful had happened to him in his travels.  I was actually nervous for him.  I kept wondering what I would do if something had happened to him, and I couldn't bear the thought of my life without him in it.  When I got that message Sunday afternoon that he had made it safe and sound, I breathed a sigh of relief that could probably be heard from miles around.

I love that kid.  I can't wait to be his wife.

Keep it real readers.


Lynae Bae said...

So I'm pretty sure that I saw your boy over the weekend. He was eating lunch at Jason's Deli by the University Mall with a bunch of peeps all dressed (in what looked like) karate pants and such. I was excited to see him because I thought maybe you would be there, but sadly you weren't. Sounds like the wedding plans are going swell! good luck with housing!

Karen F. Gubler said...

That was likely him, and no I wasn't there. He flies solo on those trips.