Friday, February 11, 2011

Project Ocean Sunrise Neptune

Well readers, another week has passed, and I have lost another four pounds, which takes me to a grand total of 12 pounds lost.  I've lost another inch to an inch and a half off of my circumferencial areas, and I'm feeling better than ever.

My clothes are starting to hang off me, which I have to say I totally love.  My rings are starting to spin and slide, which makes me a little bit nervous since I recently accidentally found out how much one of them costs.  Yikes is all I can say. 

Anyway, life is good, I haven't felt better in years, I feel my muscles starting to show under my skin, I feel my ribs when I lay down, and I feel so strong.  My push-ups are getting better, my sit-ups are getting better, I can do jumping jacks all day, and for the first time in a long time, I actually want to lace up my tennis shoes and run.  I want to run like a Kenyan.  Miles and miles.  I used to run 16 miles a week, and I remember how free I felt, and I want it.  I need to find my freedom again, so I can focus better in the rest of my life.

So much to do.  SO MUCH!

Keep it real readers.

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