Friday, August 13, 2010

Uncharted Territory

Well readers, yesterday marked six weeks. Six weeks of dating my redhead kid. To be perfectly honest I'm surprised it lasted this long. I haven't driven him away with my crazy or sabotaged the relationship, and even in the beginning with my freak outs he stayed with me.

We are officially in uncharted territory. I've never lasted this long with someone I actually saw on a regular basis. But now that the new relationship smell is starting to wear off, and the fuzz is starting to wear thin, my anxiety is starting to creep in.

I know I really shouldn't worry. I know he cares about me, and we like each other a lot, but a little bit of my baggage starts to rear its ugly head, and unfortunately he doesn't know about it yet, so I can't tell him that my insecurities are starting to work their way into my happiness with him.

All that aside, he's a wonderful guy. He's sweet and thoughtful, and does some of the corniest, cutest things I've ever seen anyone do for another person. He does them for me.

I'm just taking every day we have and seeing it as a blessing. I really am lucky.

Keep it real readers.

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