Friday, January 29, 2010

Contemplative Adoration and Rude Awakenings

I love the smell of the media librarian at the library. It's one of those smells that reassures you that everything will be OK, even if at that particular moment nothing is.

Anyway, this morning could have gone tons better. One of my best friends, Andrew, came over last night and we had a blast catching up on old times. However, in all the excitement, I forgot to eat before I went off to bed. Normally if I eat dinner it's no big deal.

Now for those of you who don't know, I've had problems with hypoglycemia for the better part of my life. I don't usually bring it up however because I've had it under control for a long time. I haven't come close to fainting or going into shock in years, and I don't want people to see me as this sickly person with a horrible disease or anything.

Anyway, I forgot to eat, and I paid for it dearly this morning. I woke up delirious and covered in my own sweat. I could barely move, or even see. It was terrifying.

Mind you, I have been known to function with my blood sugar level at 30. (Normal is 100.) I was afraid if I didn't find a way to move and get something in me, I was going to die in my bed. That would be it. No wedding, no graduation, buying my first house, my first car, nothing.

I finally found the strength to fall out of bed and somehow make it to the kitchen and crack open a soda. It must have been bad, because it took me hours to recover fully.

Never fear though readers, I am alive and well, and functioning just fine now. I'm pretty sure I won't make this mistake again in the future.

Keep it real.

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