Wednesday, April 13, 2011

30 Days

So much can happen in 30 days readers.  In 30 days I'm going to be a married woman.  In a mere 30 days last summer I went from being single to being in a committed relationship.  30 days can change everything.


Anyway, on the way to school this morning Rob and I ran out of gas.  We were a mere feet from a gas station, when Rob announced that he forgot his phone, and we had to turn around and get it.  We made it home, back down our street, and about 50 feet down the next street before we ran out.  If Rob had remembered his phone, we would have made it, and we would have been on time for school.  Bleh. 

Oh well.  It happens.

My wedding dress came on Monday, and as you know, I ordered a size and a half too small, in hopes that I would shrink the 4 1/2 inches to fit into it. 

One word.  Almost.  It is literally 1 inch too tight in one little place, around my ribs right under my boobs.  Talk about frustrating.  So I hopped online and ordered a corset that goes up to right under my bust that'll cinch up everything the inch I need. 

Other than that, it's beautiful.  It's everything I could have dreamed of.  It's tea-length, sweet, and adorable.  Utter perfection. 

Like I said, perfection. 

I'm so excited.  Dr. Seuss once said that true happiness is marrying your best friend.  Well, I'm happy to say I am.  We went from indifferent acquaintances to slightly annoyed at one another's existence, to friends, to special friends, to best friends, and now we're literally going to be best friends forever. 

Only 30 more days. :)

Keep it real readers, and don't forget to be awesome.

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