Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Providing Some Clarification

In three days it will be a month since I started seeing my favorite redhead kid. I think I owe you, my readers, a bit of an explanation as to what this past month entailed:

Week 1: We went on our first date, and spent the following five nights together. He asked me to be his girlfriend over text, to which I responded yes. Six hours later he broke up with me.

What happened: We hit it off a lot better than either of us expected, thus getting swept up in the moment and rushing into something neither of us were sure we were ready for. Was I hurt? Hell yeah. But I felt too much for him to let him go. I knew there was something about him that I had to stick it out for.

Week 2: Tumultuous to say the least. I went to a presentation the day after the breakup, and the whole time I just wanted to cry and yell at him the whole night. I wanted to hurt him back, the way he hurt me. I knew I had succeeded at one point that evening when he brought up something that I had posted and later deleted on Facebook that mentioned something to the effect that involved my thinking he was totally boss. He thanked me for thinking so highly of him. I told him I didn't want to talk about it as I choked back a few tears. I was mad at him, but I still felt that way about him. I couldn't help myself.

What happened: We needed a few days to gain some perspective. I ran into him the following day at Wal-Mart, and all I wanted to do was throw my arms around him, but I didn't. There were a few days of arguing and frustration, and it got worse and worse until I realized that I just needed to relax. I could actually feel how he was feeling, but we were both scared about what we were getting into, and that was getting in the way of actually having something real. After a few days, we got together the night before we both had to go out of town (Me to California, him to North Carolina). That night I knew we were going to be OK. It was only going to get better from here. While watching him demonstrate his karate routine mostly in silhouette from the streetlight down the road, I felt myself falling for him all over again. I gave him my St. Lawrence necklace for luck, and wished the next five days would go by in a flash.

Week 3: The majority of week three took place in the form of text messages. They only got sweeter as the week wore on. I felt a strange, beautiful, warm feeling wash over me. It was soft at first. Then it only became more pronounced.

We got home within an hour of one another, and the next day I saw him, and was met with quite possibly one of the silliest, cutest gifts I've ever received. The day ended up being filled with cute kids, sleepy music, and Costco. Later that night was even better.

Later that week I invited him over for dinner, which was delicious, and later we went bowling with his best friend. I beat him, which shocked me.

I could go on about how our fourth week went on, but we're currently in it, and needless to say, it just keeps getting better.

Keep it real readers.

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