Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Two Months Ago Today

Well readers, today markes the two-month anniversary of dating my man. Unfortunately I don't think there will be much celebrating. He's been sick the past few days and today is jam-packed full of stuff I have to do, including two job interviews and work on top of my normal school day.

Sarcastic yay time. Yay.

On top of that he's going to a family reunion tomorrow, and he'll be gone through the weekend, so this is just going to pass by with little recognition, and truth be told, I can live with that. I'm much too tired today to really care. At three months I'll expect a little fanfare, but that's mostly because three months is a bit of a milestone. That's a quarter of a year. Honestly one month was huge for me.

However, before things get too serious I'm going to have to tell him something that may or may not be a dealbreaker for him, so who knows, next post I could be single. We'll see.

I hope it's not.

Keep it real readers.

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