Sunday, May 02, 2010

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig.

That was a phrase my mom used to say when we would get home from a long trip when my brothers and I were just kids. I find the phrase rather fitting, due to the nature of this post.

Well readers, I'm home from SUU for the summer.

I am coming at you from my slowly-turning-back-into-a-semi-normal-dwelling room, which over the course of the past few days has gone from bags, boxes, and ridiculous amounts of meandering junk, to a place where I can get dressed, sleep, and get ready for the day in, with about 45% of my floor space still covered in boxes and bags. Bear in mind my room is about 11 x 12. I like to describe it to onlookers as "cozy."

I'm looking forward to starting my summer job, going on a few radical adventures with some friends, attending a summer class or two...or four...and just enjoying the boiling summer sun of St. George.

Maybe I'll get a tan for a change. Freak everyone out when they realize that I am not, in fact, a vampire. I realize my love of nighttime and my utter blood lust can throw people off, and perhaps my canines are a little sharper than most, but I assure you, I am not acquainted with that particular lifestyle. At least not first hand. haha.

I'm happy to be home, despite being trapped in boy jail. I lived in it the first 21 years of my life, what harm can three months do?

Weird side note: I finished a journal today. I wrote my last entry in it earlier this evening, and I realized I'd been writing in that journal for nine years and three months. I slacked off quite a bit with that one. At any rate, I found another one that I received as a gift from a Sunday school teacher I had when I was a teenager, and I'm excited to start a new chapter in my life in it.

Anyway, that's all for now readers.

Keep it real.

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