Tuesday, September 20, 2011

So Much...

Well readers, next weekend Sky and I are travelling down to Phoenix for a region karate championship, which I am super excited for, and at the same time I'm super nervous.  I've never competed in anything like this before and I'm freaking out just a little.  :-p  Sky has complete faith in me though, and if he has faith in me then I must not be nearly as mediocre as I think I am.

We're still figuring out the particulars of the trip, but hopefully that will all be ironed out this week.

The weekend after that we are hoping to finally move into OUR OWN PLACE!!!  We found this adorable little house by the temple, and the landlords seem really nice.  It's not going to be anything fancy, and it has a few interesting little quirks, but it will be ours, and that makes it perfect.  Right now we are just busting our tails to save up the deposit and rent for the first month.

With all this extra working, we have hardly gotten to see each other, and the few minutes we do, we are usually doing something like seeing a piece of furniture that someone has for sale or seeing a few friends we haven't seen in a while, or he's sleeping.  I miss him so much it's insane.  I think I'm going to finally bite the bullet and go to Biolife and sell some plasma.  Getting stuck with a needle to take some pressure off of Sky is worth it.  I've scheduled an appointment, and I'm scared out of my mind, but hundreds if not thousands of people are doing it every week, so it must not be all bad.  I haven't told Sky yet because if I don't go through with it he will be disappointed.  Again.

I'm just trying to man up a little for the next few months.  They are going to be tough and I have to be brave.

Keep it real readers.

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