Friday, October 19, 2012

Operating On Partial Cylinders

Well readers, as most of you know, I broke my foot over conference weekend.  It's a hairline fracture on the 5th metatarsle bone near the base.  In normal people speak, it is on the pinky side of my foot.

Anyway, when I found out, I cried.  A lot.  On Sky's shoulder.  I was devastated.  I've never had anything quite like this happen to me before.  It's my first serious injury.  Don't get me wrong, I've gotten hairline fractures before, but they were in my wrist.  Not in the foot I normally use to drive.

So, the last few weeks Sky has been my driver, my wheelchair pusher when we go shopping, and all-around Godsend.  It's times like these I know that I definitely made the right decision marrying him.  He helped me take my first few baths (as stipulated by the doctor because I am not allowed to put any weight on it for the first two weeks I'm in the boot.), he helped me figure out how to get around in this stupid boot I'm stuck in.

Seriously, I think it weighs like 10 pounds.

The plus side to all of this is I am finally catching up on my housework and homework, since I still have about 5 more days before I am cleared to work on my feet (limited) and hobble around campus again, I have a little more free time than usual for the next little while.

Well, an important stipulation for me healing is plenty of rest, so I guess I'd better hit the hay.

Keep it real readers.

Friday, September 07, 2012

Back From The Brink

Well readers, it's good to be alive after coming to the end of a crazy week like mine.

Sunday was pretty low-key.  Mostly chillin' with my honey bunny.

Monday was Labor Day, and I was hoping that all would be well.  Free breakfast, looking at appliances ridiculously on sale, playing around town enjoying my day off with Sky, but alas, it was far more interesting than that.

We got up around 7 am so we could be on time to the free breakfast at Boulevard Home Furnishings.  We let our Sally out and fed her breakfast, then we got all ready to go.  Sky mentioned since it was still cool out we would take his car.  I got in on the passenger side, adjusted the seat because I felt oddly too close to the dash (which turned out to be a little intuitive) and buckled my seat belt, which I only do about half the time.

We made it out of our parking lot, down the street, around the corner, and the glaring early morning sun was hitting just the right spot on our windshield, and I looked down for a minute when I heard the honk.

I looked up just before the front of our car smashed into the front of a red Mitsubishi Gallant.  It turns out we went a little too wide when going around a car parked on the side of the road, but due to the glare we couldn't see how far over we had gone.  I screamed as he slammed on the brakes.  My head flicked forward as my knees bashed against the dash.

I sat in shock for a few minutes, as Sky swore under his breath, asking me what I should do.  I remembered on the back of most insurance cards there are instructions for when you are in an accident.  (That is a key thing to remember.  The back of your insurance cards people!)

I rattled off one step after another with shaking hands and a quivering voice.  I felt so sick.  I just wanted to be anywhere but sitting in that car.  My head was spinning.  My knees were sore.  I told Sky to call 911 as I realized I couldn't see.  My glasses had flown off my face and fallen on the floor of the car.  I put them back on my face and said I needed air and I stumbled out of the car.  At that point I had a rush of what had just happened.  We got in a car accident.  We hit another car.  Head-on.  If I hadn't moved the seat, I could have broken one of my legs.  If I hadn't buckled my seat belt, I would have bashed my face on the dash.  Things could have been so much worse.

After the police officer came, (there was no ambulance because no one was injured, thank goodness!) and we finished with our statements and signed all our forms, we decided we were going to still go to The Boulevard, where we found that the washer and dryer that, after much study and reading reviews and comparing features was the perfect fit for what we were looking for, was in our price range, and we got a screaming deal on it.  They are a beautiful pair of silver Electroluxes.  They are our first major appliance purchase we have ever made, and we are looking forward to a long relationship filled with clean fluffy clothes.

I have named them Mork and Mindy.

Later that day I made a piece of artwork for the front bathroom, framed two certificates and a poster and hung them in the office, and Sky and I made a wreath for Halloween.

Tuesday I woke up super sick.  The worst cold I have ever experienced.  It knocked me on my butt, and I couldn't get my shift covered at LB, so I showed up all kinds of stuffed up and delirious and tired.  I got someone to come in for the last two hours of my shift, so I fell asleep after downing chicken noodle soup and rolls.  I ended up waking up every hour or so after that, then around 5 am I had to go work at the rec center.  I had a fever, I was sicker than I was the day before, and I was completely out of it.

My boss came in around 9:30 and told me I looked awful and sent me home.  I slept for the next five hours.

When I woke up, my fever had broken, I felt more alert, stronger, and I got up, got dressed, and paid my car payment.  Then I was exhausted, and slept for another hour and a half.

Today I feel better, like I'm finally on the mend.

Anyway, tomorrow I make my gallant return to school.  I am looking forward to it, and I should probably get ready for bed.  But first I have to pull the load of whites out of Mindy and put them into Mork.

Keep it real readers.

Friday, August 31, 2012

School Started, and Some Baby Talk

Well readers, as usual, it has been far too long since my last post.

School started last week, and I am happy to say I am back in the classroom this semester.  I am enrolled full time, and add that to my two jobs that I have, I am a very busy woman indeed.  I find if I am super busy it is easier to keep up with everything I need to do.  As they say, here goes nothing...

Financial aid, as usual, has been a total lifesaver.  We paid off some debts we had, finally whipped our office into shape, and got a much needed software update.  House-wise, all that is left is getting the rest of our boxes unpacked.  Sadly they are mostly only half-packed now, and a lot of what is still in boxes is books, which now have a new home on our bookshelf.

Peach days starts today, and I am excited we are going.  We are still trying to decide whether or not to take Sally, because she is due to go into heat any day, and we aren't ready to have granddogs yet.  I'm just excited to see my mom more than anything.  I haven't seen her in weeks.

Sky and I have made it another month without getting pregnant.  Needless to say I am very happy about that.  Granted, the idea of having a little us becomes increasingly less horrifying the longer we are together, but I'm still just not quite ready to be a mom.  We are talking about trying when I am done with school or within a semester of being done with school.

So there's a timeline for you.  I know some people out there are starting to worry because we have been married over a year and still no talk of a little Gubler on the way.  We just aren't really in a hurry to start a family.  We are only 24.  There is plenty of time to make a baby still.

Anyway, I am now in my Lifespan Development class, and I think it's best to pay attention.  Coincidentally, we are talking about conception today.

Keep it real readers.

Friday, August 03, 2012

Oddly Deep Insight From an ABC Family Movie...

Well readers, get ready for a trip.

A few nights ago, I was folding laundry when I decided to thumb through Netflix to find something to watch to pass the time, when a title called "My Future Boyfriend" popped up.  I thought to myself, "What the heck, it's kinda short, so I might as well."  It turned out to be an ABC Family original movie, starring the deliciously curvaceous Sarah Rue (I have a thing for redheads, what can I say?) so I decided to stick it out.

It's about a man from 1000 years in the future where love doesn't exist anymore, and everyone is ruled by reason and logic.  It was all very Vulcan.  However, this man discovers an old romance novel, reads it, and has all kinds of questions that no one seems to have the answers to.  So he decides to travel back in time to the year 2011 to meet the author and receive all these answers about love and sex.  Anyway he meets the author, and in his pursuit for knowledge and understanding of foreign concepts, he ends up falling in love with her.

Where I found my insight was at an interesting point.  The author becomes engaged to her longtime boyfriend, and while future man is bemoaning the loss of this woman he has fallen for, who has also fallen for him, but feels stuck because she has been with this man she is engaged to for so long, author woman's coworker talks about how author woman met her boyfriend.  They met when he caught her hat just before it fell into a river on a windy day.  He says, "Sometimes falling in love is about being in the right place at the right time to find that right person."

Then my brain exploded.

If I hadn't gone to that party at the end of May 2010 at Lindsay Ferrin's house, and played "Baby do you love me," and felt this strange spark inside of me as I leaned in close to Skyler's face, I don't know where I would be now.  If I hadn't gone to the movies a few weeks after that with my friend Cherisa to see the karate kid, I wouldn't have sat next to him and shared my apple chips and talked to him the whole time, which led me to want to hug him at the end of the night.  Three weeks after that was our first date, and five months after that he asked me to marry him.

Sometimes you just have to let yourself be led, because next thing you know, you are standing in front of the one person who will love you in spite of yourself, who will hold you when you are upset no matter how much you thrash and fight to allow you to calm down.

Well readers, that's all for me.

Keep it real.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Playing Catch-up

Well readers, I admit it has been far too long since I have updated my blog.  Let's catch you up to speed, shall we?

Well, Sky and I have moved into a charming little apartment in St. George, and it doesn't look like much on the outside, but it is quite fantastic on the inside, if I do say so myself.  :-)  Pictures will be posted to Facebook soon I promise.  We have been slowly adding to our living room area to make it more of a home for us, and it is looking amazing.

We got a puppy in March.  Her name is Sally Mae, and she is a fun little ball of energy.  She is a Yorkie-Poodle mix, and she is utterly adorable.  We love her very much, and for now, she is as much kid as we can handle.

I got a job working for the Recreation Division for the city of St. George, and while it was daunting to start out with, I am really getting pretty good at it, and I really enjoy my coworkers.  I'm still at Lane Bryant, but I took a second job to help bring in some extra moolah for the time being.

Sky quit his job at Ashley Furniture for a full-time position at the school district.  He is one of a handful of full-time custodians in the district, which means better pay, and even more exciting, benefits.  :-)  Very happy time for the Gubler house.

Things have been a little tight for us, but our struggles have made our relationship stronger, and we are closer than ever.  I love my man more and more every day, and I continue to feel like the luckiest girl in the world because he's mine.

I promise not all of my future posts will not be this glazed over.  I just wanted to catch you all out.

Keep it real readers.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Finally On Our Own!

Oh my gosh readers, it has been way too long, and I must apologize.

First of all, let me happily announce that we have finally moved into our own place!  It is in a development made of duplexes and it is quite fantastic.  Of course, I live there so I'm a little biased.  We have turned it into a wonderful little home for us, and it is slowly becoming more and more wonderful every day.  We got two cats named Teddie and Gus, and they are our kids for now.  They are great little buddies and we love them a lot.

After a lot of thought and soul searching, I decided to change my major to Psychology, and drop this current semester to help Sky pay off some of our bills before he starts school in August.  I will graduate next May with my BS, and the following fall I will be enrolling in graduate school to get my Master's in School Psychology.  Holla!

Sky is still working himself to the bone, and in the meantime, I am working on finding a second job to get some more hours, and more importantly, more money.

We are loving living on our own.  I found out that I am fantastic at cooking and keeping a clean house.  The funniest part about all of it is a number of family members were positive that I would be living in squalor and I would let my husband starve to death or make him live on bologna sandwiches.  In their faces!

BAM! I rock this wife thing.

At any rate, we are facing the future on our own, and we are relying on each other like real live big people.

Again, I'm sorry for how long it has been.

Keep it real readers.